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University Team

HDBW - Hochschule der Bayerischen Wirtschaft   University Team


An overview of the entire university team at HDBW with the contact information of each employee in the various departments. You can reach us via email and telephone during our office hours.

University Management

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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kerstin Fink

HDBW President

+49 89 4567845-20
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HDBW Professor Jost Jacob - Fachbereich BWL

Prof. Dr. Jost Jacoby

Faculty of Business Administration
Programme Director & Vice President Study and teaching

+49 89 4567845-28
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HDBW Professor Dr. Matthias Pfeffer

Prof. Dr. Matthias Pfeffer

Faculty of Engineering / Industrial Engineering and Management
Programme Director & Vice President Research

+49 89 4567845-22
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HDBW Kanzlerin - Silke Biermann

Silke Biermann

HDBW Chancellor & Chief Executive Officer

+49 89 4567845-10
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President's Secretariat

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Roswitha Rieg

Assitant to President

+49 89 4567845-20
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Student advisory service | Marketing and Sales

HDBW Studienberatung - Sara Zurek

Sara Zurek

Student Advisory Service & Equal Opportunities Officer

+49 89 4567845-11
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Rachana Manjunathswamy

Student Advisory Service

+49 89 4567845-11
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HDBW Leitung Marketing - Edith Axt

Edith Axt

Head of Marketing

Member of the HDBW Senate

+49 89 4567845-32
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Company and school cooperations

+49 89 4567845-13
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University administration

Claudia Asensio - HDBW Studienadministration

Claudia Asensio

Student Administration

+49 89 4567845-15
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Sladana Dordevic

Student Administration

+49 89 4567845-19
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Ralph Simon

Examination Office

+49 89 4567845-17
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Maria Keil-Grillmeier

Examination Office

+49 89 4567845-18
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HDBW Projektkoordinatorin Forschung - Marianna Hartmann

Marianna Hartmann


+49 89 4567845-14
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HDBW Prof. Dominik Bösl - Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik

Prof. Dominik Bösl

Faculty of Business Informatics

+49 89 4567845-14
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HDBW Professor Jianmin Chen

Prof. Dr. Jianmin Chen

Faculty of Business Informatics

+49 89 4567845-27
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HDBW-Professor Wolfgang Decker

Prof. Wolfgang Decker

Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management

+49 89 4567845-34
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HDBW Professor Florian Egger

Prof. Dr. Florian Egger

Faculty of Business Administration

Vice-Chairman of the HDBW Senate

+49 89 4567845-29
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HDBW Professor Steffen Hermann

Prof. Dr. Steffen Hermann

Faculty of Business Administration

+49 89 4567845-33
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HDBW Professor Jost Jacob - Fachbereich BWL

Prof. Dr. Jost Jacoby

Faculty of Business Administration
Programme Director & Vice President Study and teaching

+49 89 4567845-28
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HDBW Professor Markus Kleinschwärzer

Prof. Dr. Markus Kleinschwärzer

Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management

+49 89 4567845-12
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HDBW Professor Udo Lunz

Prof. Dr. Udo Lunz

Faculty of Engineering

Chairman of the HDBW Senate

+49 171 750 2660
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HDBW Professor Max Moser

Prof. Dr. Max Moser

Faculty of Business Informatics

+49 89 4567845-39
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HDBW Professor Dr. Matthias Pfeffer

Prof. Dr. Matthias Pfeffer

Faculty of Engineering / Industrial Engineering and Management
Program Director & Vice President Research

+49 89 4567845-22
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HDBW Professorin Sabine Rathmayer

Prof. Dr. Sabine Rathmayer

Faculty of Business Informatics
Programme Director

+49 89 4567845-26
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HDBW Professor Oliver Schlick

Prof. Dr. Oliver Schlick

Faculty of Business Administration

Member of the HDBW Senate

+49 89 4567845-21
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HDBW Professor Christian Schmitt

Prof. Dr. Christian Schmitt

Faculty of Business Administration

Member of the HDBW Senate

+49 89 4567845-36
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Scientific staff

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Teresa Achtenberg

Research Associate

Mitglied im HDBW Senat

+49 89 4567845-14
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Ivana Boscolo - Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der HDBW

Ivana Boscolo

Research Associate

+49 89 4567845-14
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Patrick Boscolo - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der HDBW

Patric Boscolo

Research Associate

+49 89 4567845-14
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State recognition of the HDBW - Logo of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art

And accredited by:

HDBW Accreditation - Logo Program Accreditation Accreditation CouncilHDBW Accreditation - Logo Wissenschaftsrat 5 years