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Admission requirements

Bachelor's or Master's degree at HDBW   Student Advisory Service & FAQ  Admission requirements


In Germany, certain admission requirements apply to every higher education programme, for a Bachelor's programme as well as for a Master's programme. For the Bachelor's degree, these are regulated by law - they apply to state universities and colleges as well as to private ones such as HDBW.

For the Master's degree, a Bachelor's degree is always compulsory. In which study subject is regulated to a certain extent by the universities themselves.

However, a numerus clausus (NC), i.e. a certain grade point average, is not a prerequisite for admission in every subject and at every university. In principle, there is no NC at the HDBW!

Admission requirements for the Master's programme

Studienvoraussetzungen an der HDBW - Stift mit Lebenslauf

At HDBW, we currently offer three different completely English lectured Master's programmes

  • Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship in the field of Business Administration
  • Digital Factory and Operational Excellence in the field of Industrial Engineering
  • Cyber Security in the field of Business Informatics

There is also one German lectured Master's programme named Digital Technologies in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Here, only single subjects are lectured in English.

Depending on the Master's programme, a completed Bachelor's degree in a corresponding programme is a prerequisite for admission

  • Business Administration/Economics/PPE
  • Industrial Engineering
  • (Business) Informatics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering / Information Technology
  • Communication technology

Each Master's programme lists which Bachelor's degree you should ideally have. If you don't find your Bachelor's subject there, please contact HDBW student advisory services.


  • 210 ECTS
  • In case of a non-EU Bachelor's degree, a Pre-Master is compulsory: 1 semester prep course for academic skills and German language and culture.

Language level

B2 English proficiency level, proof with

  • Certificate of a recognized language test like TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC and also FCE, CPE, BEC 
  • official confirmation of former university that Bachelor's degree was taught in English.
  • Basic knowledge of German is not required, but naturally helps for daily life in Germany.

Admission requirements for the Bachelor's programme

Formally, for a Bachelor's degree programme, one of the admission requirements listed below must be met:

Application with German school qualification for an undergraduate Bachelor's programme

Application with foreign higher education entrance qualification for an undergraduate Bachelor's programme

Whether you have an American high school diploma, a French Baccalaureate or other foreign school-leaving qualifications - it makes sense to contact the HDBW Student Advisory Service first before applying!

Those who want to start a German lectured Bachelor's degree can do so as high school graduates as well as master craftsmen - because high school graduation is no longer the only way to study in Germany. A master craftsmanship degree or a combination of vocational training with several years of work experience also opens the door to a Bachelor's degree.

Application with vocational qualification for an undergraduate Bachelor's degree - 'Study without Abitur'

For all applicants with professional qualifications, an advisory interview at the university is required by law; this takes place as part of the application process.

Legal notice: Admission to higher education for qualified professionals is regulated by Art. 45 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act.

Do you have questions about admission requirements?

HDBW Studienberatung - Sara Zurek

Sara Zurek

Student Advisory Service & Equal Opportunities Officer

+49 89 4567845-11
Write an email


State recognition of the HDBW - Logo of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art

And accredited by:

HDBW Accreditation - Logo Program Accreditation Accreditation CouncilHDBW Accreditation - Logo Wissenschaftsrat 5 years