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HDBW Career Center

Job offers | Company Profiles | Career Events | Testimonials | Career Tips

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With our Career Center, we offer you a central platform for your search for student jobs, internships, final theses and also for permanent positions after you graduate.

Find exclusive job offers for students of the HDBW and exciting company partners in the greater Munich area. In addition, discover a variety of companies and job offers in the region, in Germany and throughout Europe.

Interesting events for your career are also displayed and you can find out more in the career tips section. You can also read testimonials, for example from other students about their internship experiences in certain companies.

Try out the new opportunities right away - we wish you every success in your search!

Career Center for Students and Alumni

The HDBW-Career Center is operated jointly with JobTeaser, a French company that now works with over 750 universities across Europe. 

Call up the HDBW Career Center by JobTeaser in your browser. Log in with your HDBW mail address (= user name) and the existing HDBW password.

Or register with any other email address. After entering a few details about yourself and your search criteria, you can use the HDBW Career Center immediately and free of charge.

To HDBW Career Center

Studentenjob finden - Teambesprechung im Unternehmen

Important info about the Career Center

The career portal is primarily aimed at students and graduates of the HDBW, but use of the portal is open to all interested parties.

Once you are set-up, you can switch to English in the footer at the bottom of the Career Center.

The HDBW Career Centre is operated via the platform of the French company JobTeaser. 

Since more than 750 universities across Europe already rely on JobTeaser as a partner, you will not only benefit from job offers that are posted directly for HDBW students. But also from the multitude of job offers for academics that companies publish in the entire JobTeaser network - regionally, nationally and internationally.

  • Find jobs: Postings for working student jobs, internships, theses, permanent positions.
  • Receive job offers: If desired, companies with job offers will contact you
  • Get to know companies: View company profiles with direct contacts to HR departments
  • Check job testimonials: Informal info on companies and jobs
  • Read career tips: On subjecst such as applying, interviewing, personal development and much more
  • Learn about events: Events of HDBW, HDBW partners and the entire JobTeaser network

In the Jobs and Events sections, you have the option of filtering for offers from partners.

In this case, partners refers to companies and institutions that cooperate with the HDBW - for example, in the area of dual studies or career events.

If you activate this filter, the HDBW's own events will also be displayed in the Events section.

Registration at the Career Center: Students & Alumni

Registration is required to use the Career Center.

All current HDBW students can log in with their student email address (enter in field Username) and their HDBW password. Alternatively, it is also possible to log in with any other mail address, in which case a separate password must be assigned.

Alumni and all other interested parties use their individual mail address and assign their own password during registration.

If you log in with your HDBW access data, your first and last name, HDBW e-mail address and HDBW password are already stored. All you need to do is enter your degree programme and an expected year of graduation. 

If you register with any other email address, you will have to enter this information yourself during registration in order to see and filter job offers, company profiles and events.

JobTeaser SA is responsible for data processing. Furthermore, only the Career Center of the HDBW can access your data.

If you activate the option 'Open for job offers', companies can also access your profile and your CV - if uploaded.

Job search at the Career Center

For example, you can filter the jobs by industry, level of education, start date, location or language skills that are required. And you can set whether you only want to see the exclusive offers that have been posted for the HDBW - recruitment companies are also on the lookout here. 

Job offers only from partners of the HDBW means that only jobs from corporate partners of the HDBW are displayed.

HDBW alumni can also post jobs for students, which you can filter by.

If you only want to use the career portal to search for suitable job offers, employers and events, you do not need to enter more than the mandatory information.

In addition, you can, for example, enter your CV, define your language skills and list your social media presence.

If you would like to receive personalised suggestions or activate the 'Open for job offers' option, it makes sense to enter more information, or in some cases it is required.

Even if you apply via the platform, a completed profile can be an advantage. This gives recruiters a more detailed first impression of you.

For companies: Publish job advertisements

Are you looking for qualified young academics, interns or working students from the range of study areas at HDBW?

Together with JobTeaser, with the Career Center we now offer our students and graduates a platform for job offers, recruiting events and company profiles.

Posting a company profile and job advertisements for HDBW students is free of charge for our company partners.

Recruiters and recruiting companies can also post ads, but please use the corresponding link below.

Publish jobs in the Career Center

As a corporate partner of the HDBW, you can post your company profile in the Career Center free of charge and publish job advertisements and events.

After activation by the HDBW, your content will be visible in the Career Center of our university.

If you are a recruiter and would like to publish job advertisements for HDBW students and alumni free of charge, please register under the Recruiter link.

After activation by the HDBW, your job advertisements will be visible in the Career Center of our university.

Your contact for the HDBW Career Center

HDBW Leitung Marketing - Edith Axt

Edith Axt

Head of Marketing

+49 89 4567845-32
Write an email


State recognition of the HDBW - Logo of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art

And accredited by:

HDBW Accreditation - Logo Program Accreditation Accreditation CouncilHDBW Accreditation - Logo Wissenschaftsrat 5 years