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Master Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship - Student Team

Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship

Master of Arts | State-recognised   Master's degree programmes  Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship


This English-language, internationally oriented master's degree programme in business administration teaches you the necessary business management, strategy and process perspectives as well as the technology skills to develop and sustainably implement your own digital visions.

In doing so, you will keep both the customer and the competitive perspective in mind. Hit the ground running with your own ideas!

At a glance

  • each winter and summer semester
  • full-time 3 semester
  • 790 € each month
  • No numerus clausus

What sets the HDBW Master's in Business Administration apart?

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Career prospects with this Business Administration Master

The topic of digitisation affects start-ups just as much as existing and traditionally operating companies. It is no longer just about boosting digital sales and/or creating communication channels - it also involvees fundamental changes and innovations in the entire corporate business model.

Your possible professional areas are:

What you can expect in the Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship Master's programme

Master Studium - Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship

Digital business models are at the core of many highly innovative and profitable new businesses. At the same time, they are also reshaping the majority of traditional industries. This is why we put the skills needed for the successful development of digital business models at the center of our master’s degree programme.

The entrepreneurship element is added in order to provide the tools to put the digital business models into action: We equip you with the essentials of management capabilities such as strategy and leadership, financing, business planning and organisation from the perspective of the agile and technology-orientated start-up company.

In fact, many mature companies are also finding this quite useful when it comes to improving their intrapreneurship and specifically looking for this skillset in their applicants.

The lectures in this business administration master's programme are held entirely in English. International expert lecturers in digitalisation and regular exciting guest lectures complement the teaching. Also, you will learn and work in this programme with fellow international students from all over the world.

Why study at a private university in Germany?

International experts from business and higher education were involved in the conception of the innovative HDBW master's degree programme Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship. The programme has a clear business focus on current and future market developments.

In this English-language Business master's programme, you can expect small, international study groups that cooperate on an equal footing and in direct contact with excellent professors and lecturers with extensive operational experience.

At HDBW, you can apply and deepen the knowledge you have acquired in study groups, while writing seminar papers and in giving presentations.

You also benefit from a very personal university atmosphere and tailord support. This will help you achieve your academic and professional goals faster and more efficiently than in bigger and more anonymous institutions.

Voices from the Business Administration Master's programme

HDBW Alumni - Julia Valente Rabelo
Julia Valente Rabelo | Graduate Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship (M.A.)

"Studying at HDBW was an incredibly enriching experience. The combination of hands-on learning with academic depth provided me with the skills and confidence to tackle real-world challenges in my field. The supportive faculty and industry-focused curriculum made my journey not only educational but truly transformative, leaving me with connections that I will keep for my future and endless opportunities."

Alex Leung - HDBW Absolvent
Alex Leung | Graduate Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship (M.A.)

"Despite my previous bachelor's and MBA degrees from international universities, I lacked a deeper understanding of the impact of digital technologies on businesses to found my startup. This is exactly what the HDBW Master Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship helped me with."


HDBW Symbolfoto Voice - Grafik mit Anführungszeichen
Carolin List | Graduate Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship (M.A.)

"Innovative and demanding challenges, individual and personalised support- I am more than ready for the professional world!"


HDBW-Professor Wolfgang Decker
HDBW-Professor Wolfgang Decker| Department of Industrial Engineering

"Technical discipline, computer science and business administration must be networked in practice in order to develop viable solutions. That's why I was already involved in the development of the Business Administration master's programme at the HDBW in Munich during my time as Managing Director "Mobility" and "Internet of Things" at Accenture Digital Germany "


Student Life at HDBW Munich

All about the Master's programme in Business Administration: Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship

Completed Bachelor's degree in

  • Business administration or
  • Industrial engineering or
  • (Business) Information Technology
  • Other courses of study on request from the HDBW study advisory service.


  • 210 ECTS
  • In case of a non-EU Bachelor's degree, a Pre-Master is compulsory: 1 semester prep course for academic skills and German language and culture.

Language level

Language level B2 in the lecture language English.

The monthly tuition fee in the master's programme in Business Administration, Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship, is:

  • 790 € full-time study 3 semesters
  • 480 € part-time study 5 semesters

Your advantages at HDBW

  • No additional registration fee for EU applicants
    100 € registration fee for No-EU applicants
  • All courses & examination fees are already included

The Master's degree programme Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship is offered at HDBW Munich

Hochschule der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (HDBW)
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 8
81829 München, Germany

  • 14 March (Summer Semester) and 30 September (Winter Semester) for national and EU applicants
  • 15 December (Summer Semester) and 30 June (Winter Semester) for non-EU applicants
    Why? Veryfing your application documents, visa processs etc. take much longer

Programme Start

  • Summer Semester, starting mid-March
  • Winter Semester, starting beginning of October

Study Period

  • 3 semesters full-time
  • 5 semesters part-time

Duration Winter Semester

  • 1 October until 14 March 
  • Lectures from early October until late January
  • Examination period generally until Mid-February

Duration Summer Semester

  • 15 March until 30 September 
  • Lectures from Mid-March until early July
  • Examination period generally until late July

Duration of studies - depending on study time model

  • 3 semesters of full-time study
  • 5 semesters of part-time study (reduced number of modules per semester, some block lectures)


Master of Arts (M.A.) in Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship


  • 90 ECTS credits are earned in the HDBW master's programme
  • 300 ECTS credits in total in the HDBW bachelor's & master's programme

* ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

What study time models are available in the Business Administration Master's programme?

The English-language Master's degree is offered both as a full- and part-time programme. The lectures take place on a hybrid remote basis, so they are also always streamd. Individual selected modules can take place completely online.



Business Administration Master's full-time | Digital Business Modelling & Entrepreneurship

The state-recognised Master of Arts degree in the English-language Master's degree programme Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship can be completed as full-time programme at HDBW in Munich.

The practice-oriented lectures and seminars of this full-time Business Administration master's programme spread over 3 semesters:

  1. Semester: Business Planning / Business Model
  2. Semester: Customer Experience / Business implementation
  3. Semester: Company organisation / Master's thesis

Module Plan Digital Business and Entrepreneurship: Full-time studies

  • Principles of Business Modelling and E-Business   5 ETCS
  • Principles of Entrepreneurship for Start-Ups   5 ETCS
  • Digital Culture, Trend Analysis and Creative Combination   5 ETCS
  • Applied Business Law for Entrepreneurs   5 ETCS
  • Applied Business IT for Digital Business Models   5 ETCS
  • Strategy and Innovation Management   5 ETCS
  • Entrepreneurial Finance and Financial Planning   5 ETCS
  • Digital Value Chain and Smart Logistics   5 ETCS
  • Creating and Managing Customer Experience   5 ETCS
  • Business Analytics and Data Management   5 ETCS
  • Digital Marketing   5 ETCS
  • Product and Service Design   5 ETCS
  • Intrapreneurship and Change Management for Digital Enterprises   5 ETCS
  • Management of Heterogeneous Teams over Corporate Lifecycles   5 ETCS
  • Master's Thesis   18 ETCS
  • Master's Thesis Final Examination   2 ETCS

Business Administration Master's part-time | Digital Business Modelling & Entrepreneurship

The state-recognised Master of Arts degree in the English-language business administration master's program Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship can also be obtained at the HDBW as a part-time programme.

Here, a reduced number of modules are offered per semester and the study content is spread over 4 semesters.

In the 5th and last semester, the program is completed with the writing of the master's thesis.

Module Plan Digital Business and Entrepreneurship: Part-time studies

  • Principles of Business Modelling and E-Business   5 ETCS
  • Principles of Entrepreneurship for Start-Ups   5 ETCS
  • Digital Culture, Trend Analysis and Creative Combination   5 ETCS
  • Applied Business IT for Digital Business Models   5 ETCS
  • Strategy and Innovation Management   5 ETCS
  • Entrepreneurial Finance and Financial Planning   5 ETCS
  • Digital Value Chain and Smart Logistics   5 ETCS
  • Creating and Managing Customer Experience   5 ETCS
  • Applied Business Law for Entrepreneurs   5 ETCS
  • Business Analytics and Data Management   5 ETCS
  • Digital Marketing   5 ETCS
  • Product and Service Design   5 ETCS
  • Intrapreneurship and Change Management for Digital Enterprises   5 ETCS
  • Management of Heterogeneous Teams over Corporate Lifecycles   5 ETCS
  • Master's Thesis   18 ETCS
  • Master's Thesis Final Examination   2 ETCS

Module handbook Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship

The General Study and Examination Regulations (APO) as well as the Study and Examination Regulations for all Master’s programs are available for download on the APO & SPO Bachelor page.

The HDBW module handbook with detailed information on the Master's programme in Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship as full-time study model, is listed here:

Qualification goals: Master Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship

  1. You know the components and dimensions of digital business models.

  2. You are familiar with the tools for founding and expanding companies (e.g. business planning, finance, organisation).

  3. You are aware of the role of behaviour-oriented principles of successful digital business models and their implementation in core business management disciplines (e.g. marketing, value chain management, consumer behaviour, leadership).

  4. You know the importance of neighbouring disciplines for the development and management of successful digital business models (e.g. IT, law).

  5. You have an application-oriented understanding of the aspects listed and are able to implement them independently as an employee in a responsible position in a start-up and/or an existing company.


Let us advise you personally!

HDBW Studienberatung - Sara Zurek

Sara Zurek

Student Advisory Service & Equal Opportunities Officer

+49 89 4567845-11
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HDBW Professors and external lecturer in Master's degree: Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship

HDBW Professor Jost Jacob - Fachbereich BWL

Prof. Dr. Jost Jacoby

Faculty of Business Administration
Programme Director & Vice President Study and teaching

+49 89 4567845-28
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HDBW Prof. Dominik Bösl - Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik

Prof. Dominik Bösl

Faculty of Business Informatics

+49 89 4567845-14
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HDBW Dozentin Michaela Braun

Prof. Michaela Braun

Faculty of Business Administration / Engineering / Industrial Engineering and Management
Honorary Professor

Mitglied im HDBW Senat

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HDBW-Professor Wolfgang Decker

Prof. Wolfgang Decker

Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management

+49 89 4567845-34
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HDBW Dozent Tom Fleerackers

Tom Fleerackers

Faculty of Business Administration

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HDBW Professor Steffen Hermann

Prof. Dr. Steffen Hermann

Faculty of Business Administration

+49 89 4567845-33
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HDBW-Prof. Dr. Stefan Lackner, Faculty Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Stefan Lackner

Faculty of Business Administration

Member of the HDBW Senate

+49 89 4567845-23
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Academic profile


State recognition of the HDBW - Logo of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art

And accredited by:

HDBW Accreditation - Logo Program Accreditation Accreditation CouncilHDBW Accreditation - Logo Wissenschaftsrat 5 years